Yellow Light
•KM Ruvette
December 23, 2023 The yellow light rises seductively from the slumber of the night. The night suppresses the yellow light for all to rest and wonder the air at night is crisp in silent with the occasional howl and Oooo’s of the mystical creatures. The night listens to those who…
•KM Ruvette
November 26, 2023 The dreary day is misty with the array of dew falling from the leaves and naked branches. The moist in the air feels the leaves and branches getting ready for the cold air to come to season. The cold air whispers to the trees telling them it’s…
•KM Ruvette
November 03, 2023 The sun rises behind the cold clouds. The sun becomes brighter saying hello earth and the humans that live on her” I am here to warm the earth and the humans who inhabit her.” The sun is only here for half of the day within the 24…
•KM Ruvette
October 20, 2023 The foliage is preparing for the changes to come. Foliage is amazing has the eyes can see and the skin can feel. The air becomes more brisk and even more still in its warm becoming cold air. The colors give off a relaxing and comforting energy to…
•KM Ruvette
October 11, 2023 The harvest is a time for change and gathering bountiful fruits and vegetables for winter time. Harvest is a robust and flavorful mini season. Cinnamon and allspice dance in rejoice with the pumpkin and sweet potatoes. By: M.W.
•KM Ruvette
September 30, 2023 The fire is a wild like beast that when confined in a space that cannot be broken, it suffocates. The fire is ever so Wanting to be free spreading throughout the planet, spreading throughout the surface of the planet. The fire is very very hot and can…
The wind
•KM Ruvette
August 18, 2023 The wind calls to the plants. The wind whistles in the air. The plants and air hear the voice in the wind telling them that the chameleon season is approaching. The wind brushes against the trees, the plants, the humans. Letting everyone and everything know that the…
•KM Ruvette
May 06, 2022 The rain is like the earth’s tears. When the earth is happy it rains tears of joy. When the earth is dry it pours her tears out like an ocean from her eyes in the sky. By: M.W.